Guendalina Graffigna

Director – Assirm Training Centre

Guendalina Graffigna

Director – Assirm Training Centre



Guendalina Graffigna received a PhD in Social Psychology at Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth of Milan (Italy) where she actually is Full Professor. At the same University she teaches “Consumer Food Psychology”, “Qualitative Methodology” and “Psychology for Social Marketing”, she coordinates the Research Center “EngageMinds Hub: Consumer & Health Research Center” and she is member of the Coordination Commettee of the PhD School in Psychology. Furthermore, she is currently Director of the Study and Training Centre of ASSIRM (Italian Association of Marketing Research Institutes). Her research and scientific activities are mainly devoted to patient engagement in health and wellbeing, consumer health psychology, healthcare organization innovation and ehealth. She has spent the last 10 years of activity in constructing bridges between scientific/academic knowledge and. At present she is coordinating an intra and inter university reflection for contributing to priorities and policies discussions on patient engagement.